Across the street from the Central Station, and about a minute's walk south, is the Vasagatan 18 stop where you can board the free IKEA shuttle to Kungens Kurva!
Monday-Friday (shuttle does not run on weekends)
Apart from supermarkets, this has to be the cheapest place I've purchased food in Stockholm, with prices ranging from 10 SEK for a simple side salad to 80-ish SEK for more filling meals. I picked up a 5 SEK coffee/tea cup by the register, and because of my poor Swedish, I don't know whether my free refills were legal or not. I had a small side salad, a densely delicious roll of bread, and coffee for ~ 14 SEK = $1.80 USD. Throw in free transportation and 7 levels of Dante's Ikea, and you have yourself a cheap day out! And even if you're not looking to spend your time in Stockholm at an IKEA, it's worth a quick stop for the cheap food, relaxed ambience, and free wifi.
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